Terms & Conditions

Terms & Conditions:

    Each coupon is identified by a coupon code and has different requirements and rewards.
    Coupon values are as specified on the coupon.
    Certain items may not be eligible for discount.
    A coupon cannot be used to pay for taxes, shipping and handling or other charges.
    If your coupon has a minimum purchase requirement, taxes, shipping and handling and other charges do not apply towards the minimum purchase amount.
    Some promotional offers may not be combined with other offers in the same order. Generally, only one coupon code may be used per order.
    Each coupon is valid for a limited time only and expires on the date specified in the offer.
    If you return any of the items purchased with a coupon, the coupon discount or value may be subtracted from the return credit.
    The product comes with same warranty service when purchased with a coupon.

How to get coupon codes

You may get coupon codes from our store representatives, on our site in case of campaigns or from some 3rd party coupon sites.

How to use coupon codes

Shopping Cart

    Open your shopping cart after having placed products in it
    Click Use Coupon Code
    Enter your coupon code and click Apply Coupon


    Click Checkout after having placed products in your shopping cart
    Enter your coupon code in the “Use Coupon Code” field and click the button next to it.



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